The CRAFT-OA Technical Board (TB) is an essential project mechanism comprising a team of experts responsible for coordinating the activities across the various technical tasks within the project. Individuals with strong leadership skills and technical expertise oversee the development of a cohesive strategy that aligns with the project’s goals and objectives.
The technical board’s primary responsibility is to ensure that all technical tasks are aligned with the project’s objectives and are being executed effectively and efficiently. They work closely with each technical task team to monitor progress, identify any potential risks or issues, and provide support as needed.
The work accomplished within CRAFT-OA will be sustained beyond the project’s duration through the European Diamond Capacity Hub (EDCH), a permanent initiative officially launched in January 2025. Therefore, in February 2025 it was determined that the CRAFT-OA Technical Board would serve as the “Tools and Technologies” task force for the EDCH, ensuring consistent ongoing management and oversight of all the project’s technical outputs.
The membership of the CRAFT-OA Technical Board/EDCH Tools & Technologies Taskforce consists of:
- Open Access in the European Area Through Scholarly Communication (OPERAS) (Leader)
- Directory for Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (Member)
- Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta (TSV) (Member)
- Universite D’Aix Marrseille (AMU) (Member)
- OpenAIRE AMKE (Member)
- Max Weber Stiftung (MWS) (Member)
- Leibniz-Infomationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften Universitätsbibliothek (TIB) (Member)
- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (UGOE) (Member)
- Masarykovy univerzity (MU) (Member)
- Uniwersytet Warsyawski (UNIWARSAW) (Member)
- Sveučilište u Zagrebu Sveučilišni računski centar (SRCE) (Member)
Are you interested in joining the EDCH Tools and Technologies taskforce? Contact the current leader listed on the EDCH Task Forces page.