CRAFT-OA welcomes the Barcelona Declaration

In today’s academic landscape, the heavy reliance on closed infrastructures impacts the transparency and accessibility of scientific information. Despite efforts to monitor and incentivise open science, much of this work uses closed data systems that typically have low levels of data sovereignty and carry the risk of path dependencies. This practice often leads to biased decisions and perpetuates inequities, e.g. by disadvantaging less privileged languages, geographical regions, and research agendas. 

Together with sibling projects DIAMAS and PALOMERA, the CRAFT-OA project is dedicated to supporting the transition towards an equitable, scholarly-driven publishing system. CRAFT-OA is actively working to strengthen the Diamond OA model by improving the technological bases of its platforms, software and infrastructure. It will make Diamond OA’s activities and results more discoverable and appreciated.

The CRAFT-OA project thereby welcomes and supports the Barcelona Declaration and its commitments to 

(1) making openness of research information the default 

(2) working with services and systems that support and enable open research information

(3) supporting the sustainability of infrastructures for open research information

(4) working together to realise the transition from closed to open research information.

By advocating for the default openness of research information and supporting the necessary infrastructures and systems, the Barcelona Declaration marks a significant step forward in the global transition towards Open Science. Together with our partners, DIAMAS and PALOMERA, CRAFT-OA is dedicated to advancing these shared goals, and we look forward to contributing to the realisation of a scholarly-driven, equitable, and transparent publishing system.

Download the statement of support here.